Utkarsh Agarwal


Utkarsh Agarwal

Frontend Developer - Product Development @ Insight | Cloud Engineer II

Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh


๐Ÿš€ Passionate Frontend Developer | Transforming Visions into Seamless Experiences ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽ“ I'm a B.Tech graduate in Information Technology from KIIT Bhubaneswar, India. My academic journey was complemented by active involvement in the Web Development Society, refining skills in web technologies, and participation in the Acting and Drama Society for a well-rounded development ๐Ÿข Building upon my academic foundation, I currently work as a Frontend Developer at Insight. I leverage the expertise gained during my studies, crafting visually appealing interfaces using React JS, Material UI, and Tailwind CSS. Notable contributions include optimizing data flow and enhancing application performance through seamless API integration, resulting in improvement in system responsiveness. My proficiency in data visualization ๐Ÿ“Š has led to the implementation of dynamic charts and graphs, providing users with more meaningful insights ๐ŸŒฑ Passionate about contributing to innovative projects, I aspire to take on leadership roles within dynamic teams, pushing the boundaries of technology. My goal is to continue delivering exceptional solutions that align with business objectives and user needs ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿค Looking forward to connecting with like-minded professionals and organizations! Reach out via LinkedIn or email me at [email protected] ๐ŸŒ

Experience (3 years and 1 month)


Present - 1 year and 11 months
Cloud Engineer II
Jul 2022 - CurrentAs a dedicated Frontend Developer, I am actively shaping cutting-edge user experiences with React JS, Material UI, and Tailwind CSS. In my current role, I contribute significantly to our SaaS product's success, driving innovation and user engagement. SaaS Product Transformation: Spearheading the transformation of our SaaS product's frontend, I play a pivotal role in designing and implementing solutions that elevate user experience and functionality. Dynamic Data Visualization: At the forefront of our data presentation strategy, I architect and implement robust logic for charts and graphs. This ensures that our users not only receive information but gain meaningful insights, empowering them for more informed decision-making. Seamless API Integration: I optimize data flow and enhance application performance by seamlessly integrating APIs into our frontend systems. This streamlined approach has resulted in a more responsive and efficient user interface. Collaborative Excellence: As a collaborative team player, I thrive in cross-functional teams, ensuring effective communication and synergy. Our collective efforts consistently deliver exceptional results, showcasing the power of cohesive teamwork. Innovation Advocate: Passionate about contributing to forward-thinking projects, I leverage my technical skills to drive innovation within our team. My enthusiasm for adopting the latest technologies ensures we stay at the forefront of industry trends.


3 months
Development Engineer
Apr 2022 - Jul 2022Collaborated on developing a Process Scheduling Portal, honing skills in React JS and frontend development. Actively used project management tools like JIRA and GIT for streamlined workflows. Embraced Agile Methodology, deepening understanding of the Product Development Lifecycle. A dynamic internship that enriched my practical knowledge in collaborative and agile frontend development.


1 month
Summer Intern
May 2021 - Jun 2021Diverse projects honed skills in SQL, Spreadsheet management, and dataset analysis. Implemented functional product flows, gaining exposure to various business case studies in the B2B domain.


12 years and 1 monthApr 2006 - May 2018

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